Waltz along to new social dance sessions
Published Wednesday, 11th January 2023People who enjoy a spot of dancing won’t want to miss the new weekly Social Dance session at Hartlepool’s Community Hub South in Wynyard Road.
Open to adults of all ages and abilities, it’s every Thursday from 2pm – 4pm and costs just £1 per session, including refreshments. No booking is necessary – just turn up.
“These are relaxed, informal sessions where you can dance to a selection of Ballroom and Latin as well as modern and popular sequences,” says Katie Myers of Hartlepool Borough Council’s Active Hartlepool Team, which has organised the sessions.
“Whether you’ve been dancing for years or you’ve only just taken up the hobby, everyone is welcome and you don’t need a partner.”
For those who want to make a longer afternoon of it, the Community Kitchen at Community Hub South serves a delicious two-course lunch each Thursday between 12 noon and 1.30pm, costing just £1. Again, no booking is necessary.
The new Community Hub South Social Dance session aims to build on the success of the dance sessions already being run at other Council premises:
- Wednesdays in the Borough Hall, Middlegate, the Headland, from 1pm to 3pm. Costs £4.
- Fridays in Brierton Sports Centre, Brierton Lane, from 1pm to 3pm. Costs £4 (This session is led by a qualified dance teacher).
For more information about any of the sessions visit www.activehartlepool.co.uk, call 01429 401970 or email participation@hartlepool.gov.uk
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