Join in the Big Conversation

Published Thursday, 23rd November 2023

A major public consultation and engagement exercise has been launched by Hartlepool Borough Council.

The Big Conversation – Your Say, Our Future is running for 10 weeks until the end of January 2024. The Council is seeking to hear from residents and partners from the public, private and voluntary and community sectors to find out how they feel about Hartlepool. The Council also wants to hear their thoughts and ideas about the type of place they want Hartlepool to be in the future.

What the Council hears through the Big Conversation will help inform the development of a new Council Plan which will set out the Council’s priorities for the next 5 years.

Councillor Mike Young, Leader of the Council, said: “We want to ensure that as many people as possible get involved in the Big Conversation so rather than holding events and expecting people to come to us, we will be taking the Big Conversation to them. We will do this by hosting sessions in our Community Hubs and through a range of groups and activities that the Council is already involved in.”

Denise McGuckin, Managing Director of the Council, added: “We are also keen for residents, community groups and other partners to host their own conversations and share their feedback with us. A toolkit has been prepared to help them take the Big Conversation out into their own communities”

The toolkit is available on request by email to

Views are being sought in a variety of ways, including:

  • A survey - both online and in paper form;
  • Other online tools such as discussion forums;
  • Workshops with stakeholders; and
  • Face-to-face chats with residents at places such as the Council’s Community Hubs and other Council venues.

The survey can be accessed online at and paper copies are available from Council buildings across the Borough including the Civic Centre, Community Hubs, branch libraries and sports centres.