Have your say on budget proposals
Published Friday, 15th December 2023Residents are being invited to give their views on Hartlepool Borough Council’s budget for 2024/25.
The authority is asking them to participate in an online survey which should only take around five minutes to complete.
The authority says the information it receives will help to inform final budget decisions.
The survey which will remain open until 1st January 2024, can be accessed at https://yoursay.hartlepool.gov.uk/balancing-the-budget-2024-25 or by scanning the QR code (attached).
Like most other local authorities, the Council is currently facing a range of severe financial pressures.
It has seen a large increase in costs as things have become more expensive to buy and demand for services has risen, particularly in adult and children’s social care.
The results of the survey will be reported back to January’s meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee where the latest budget position for 2024/25 will be considered by councillors.
The Council’s 2024/25 budget will be set by Full Council in February.
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