Access your council tax account quickly and easily

Published Friday, 15th March 2024

A new online platform has been launched by Hartlepool Borough Council to give residents quick and easy access to their council tax accounts.

MyAccounts allows people to view or download their council tax bill using a laptop, tablet or mobile phone – at a time that is convenient to them.

It also enables them to carry out administrative tasks such as updating their personal details, setting up a Direct Debit and requesting a discount or reduction.

Residents can sign up to MyAccounts at They will need to have their council tax bill displaying their account number with them at the time.

James Magog, Director of Finance, IT and Digital Services, said: “This is part of our commitment to making it as easy as possible for residents to access Council services.

“Other benefits of the MyAccounts platform is that it will help to save the Council money on printing and postage costs and make the council tax service more efficient.

“I would like to thank everyone who has so far signed up, and I would urge others to follow suit.”

Residents are advised to consider setting up a Direct Debit or standing order as the best way to avoid missing their council tax payments. Otherwise, they can pay their bill anytime by calling 0300 1230703 (charged at local rate) or by going to They will need their account details and a bank card.

The Council is also introducing a new Local Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTS) for working age people – how it helps people on low incomes pay their council tax – from 1st April this year. It will replace the current LCTS scheme which is felt to be outdated, difficult for people to understand and complex to administer. For more information go to

Pensioners are not affected by this change, as they are covered by a separate LCTS scheme set out by Central Government.