“Hold My Hand, Not a Phone” road safety campaign launched

Published Thursday, 30th May 2024

A road safety campaign aimed at adults and children preoccupied with their mobile phones has been launched in Hartlepool.

Hartlepool Borough Council’s Road Safety Team has launched the initiative amid concern that many people are putting themselves and others at risk by not paying sufficient attention to what is going on around them as they walk to and from school.

Executive Director of Development, Neighbourhood and Regulatory Services Tony Hanson said: “We want to raise awareness of the dangers of being distracted by your phone.

“You often see parents and carers collecting children from school while holding and using their phones. This means they aren’t holding the children’s hands and are often completely unaware of their surroundings whilst crossing roads.

“And it’s not just adults - many children who walk to and from school alone can be seen on their phones.

“There is a significantly greater risk of a collision or near miss occurring if you use your phone whilst out walking, so our message is simple - look up, phone down!”

The Road Safety Team intends to reinforce the campaign by working closely with schools to hold education sessions for pupils.

They are also asking Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) within primary schools – pupils given the dedicated role of promoting road safety amongst their peers - to design promotional posters.

The posters featuring the messages “Hold My Hand, Not a Phone” and “Look Up, Phone Down” will target parents and carers, with West View Primary School being the first to take part in the campaign.