Promoting water safety during Drowning Prevention Week

Published Tuesday, 11th June 2024

Parents in Hartlepool are being urged to ensure their children have the skills and knowledge to stay safe around water.

Hartlepool Borough Council has issued the appeal as part of its support for Drowning Prevention Week (DPW), a campaign being run by the Royal Life Saving Society UK from 15th-22nd June.

DPW is the charity’s biggest campaign of the year, targeting families, carers, teachers and instructors of children aged five-15 with the aim of educating them about water safety. It is deliberately timed ahead of the school summer holidays when children spend more time outdoors and when water safety skills can play a vital role in keeping them safe.

Gemma Ptak, Hartlepool Borough Council’s Assistant Director – Preventative and Community Based Services, said: “We recognise how vitally important it is for children to know how to stay safe near water.

“Drowning is preventable and with a little knowledge and awareness can be avoided.

“We want children to be able to enjoy all the fun and benefits of being in and around water by being educated on how to do that safely. To that end, we would encourage people to take advantage of RLSS UK’s free online resources.”

The Council is also doing its bit to directly promote water safety by staging a series of free Swim Safe sessions for children aged seven-14. A total of 36 sessions will take place at Seaton Carew from 22nd-30th June.  Places can be booked at

Swimming lessons taking place at the town’s Mill House Leisure Centre as part of the Council’s Learn to Swim programme will also focus on water safety during DPW.

Ahead of DPW, a water safety stall offering a range of advice and information will be in the central square of Middleton Grange Shopping Centre on Friday 14th June and Saturday 15th June from 10am-3pm.

RLSS UK’s Charity Director Lee Heard said: “RLSS UK believes that through free, accessible education and training everyone can enjoy water safely. We urge as many parents as possible to get involved with the DPW campaign, use our free online resources and give their children the skills to enjoy a lifetime of fun in the water.”

Visit to access the charity’s fee online water safety resources.