Street Trading
If you trade in the street you may require a street trading consent/licence. Applications should be submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council.
You must provide specific information, including details of the street you wish to trade on and the days and times you wish to trade.
You must comply with any conditions attached to a licence.
If you are proposing to sell hot food after 11pm you will also require a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003.
You must be over 17 years of age to hold a licence.
Licences will be refused if any of the following grounds exist:
- there isn't enough space in the street you wish to trade in, without causing interference or inconvenience to street users
- you wish to trade for less days than any minimum required trading days
- you are unsuitable to hold a licence do to any previous convictions or for other reasons
- you have previously failed to pay fees due under another street trading licence or have failed to use a previous street trading licence