Council Performance
Council Plans
Every year the Council produces it's Council Plan, which describes the priority outcomes for improvement and sets out how the Council will undertake performance and risk management over the next 12 months.
The document also contains a detailed action plan setting out how the Council proposes to deliver the priority outcomes. This action plan also contains the Key Performance Indicators and targets which will be used to monitor progress throughout the year.
The 2015/16 Council Plan was agreed at Full Council on 6 April 2015.
The 2016/17 Council Plan was agreed at Full Council on 17 March 2016.
In July 2017, the authority formally launched its Council Plan and Financial Strategy covering the period up to 2020.
Council Plan 2017-2020 Mid-Term Review
Should you wish to see earlier versions of the Council's Corporate Plan (Formerly known as the Best Value Performance Plan) please contact the Performance and Partnerships Team on (01429) 284057.