Hartlepool Governor Support Service
Hartlepool Governor Support Service provides a comprehensive support service to governors, schools and academies to help them carry out their statutory roles and responsibilities.
Governors represent the largest volunteer group in the UK and are appointed or elected from a variety of backgrounds. Although made up largely of volunteers, school governors are required to have certain skills that allow them to make decisions that are in the best interests of the school. These skills do not necessarily require formal qualifications but can involve knowledge and understanding of the school community or personal attributes such as an ability to work effectively with others.
The governing body has a range of duties and responsibilities including:
- Setting the vision and ethos of the school
- Holding the school to account with a view to promoting high standards of education achievement. This includes monitoring pupil attainment and progress.
- Overseeing the school's finances including setting the schools budget
- Making sure the curriculum is balanced
- Appointing senior staff and reviewing staff performance and pay
- Deciding how, in strategic terms, the school should be run.
The Governor Support Service helps to ensure effective governance by:
- Working with the Headteacher and chair of governors to set the agendas for meetings
- Arranging and clerking meetings of the governing body and committees
- Providing advice and guidance on protocols at meetings
- Providing up to date information on changes to governance regulations
- Ensuring governor records are complete and up to date
- Arranging elections for new governors where these are required
- Keeping in touch with Headteachers and chairs between meetings
- Organising governor training, induction and briefing sessions on a regular basis
- Being on hand to respond to governors' queries
For further details and information contact:
Ann Turner | Governor Support Manager | T: 01429 523766 |
Derek Gouldburn | Governor Support Officer | T: 01429 523767 |