Working Well - Community



Housing has an important impact on health and well-being: good quality, appropriate housing in places where people want to live has a positive influence on reducing deprivation and health inequalities by facilitating stable/secure family lives.  This in turn helps to improve social, environmental, personal and economic well-being.  Conversely, living in housing which is in poor condition, overcrowded or unsuitable will adversely affect the health and well-being of individuals and families.

The value of good housing needs to been seen as more than ‘bricks and mortar’. The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG, 2006) define a decent home as ‘a home that is warm, weatherproof and has reasonably modern facilities’. Failure to address the investment needs of poor housing conditions will have a detrimental impact on the occupiers’ health and well-being.

A decent, affordable home is an essential requirement for tackling health inequalities and reducing the burden on health and social care services and cost to the public purse.


Hartlepool’s housing market is defined as a self contained housing market, as communities and local government guidelines suggest that anything over 70% internal migration is a self contained housing market. In Hartlepool internal migration levels are 80.2% using census 2011 migration data. The three biggest reasons for households moving within Hartlepool were wanting a larger home, 16.7%, being forced to move, 11.3% and wanting own home/live independently, 10.5%. Overall, the vast majority (74.1%) of properties are houses, 12.1% are bungalows, 13.6% are flats/apartments and maisonettes and 0.9% are other types of property including park homes/caravans. Of all occupied properties, 11.3% have one bedroom, 29.2% have two bedrooms, 43.6% have three bedrooms and 15.9% have four or more bedrooms.

Property type by sub area


The tenure profile of the Hartlepool Borough area, based on survey evidence, is 60.2% of occupied dwellings are owner occupied, 16.0 % are private rented (including tied accommodation), 23.1% are rented from a social housing provider and 0.7% are intermediate tenure dwellings.

Up to 2014 median house prices in Hartlepool were lower than both the England and north east averages. Median house prices in Hartlepool peaked at £115,000 in 2013, but fell to £101,250 in 2014.

median house price trends 2000 to 2014


The gap between the median house price in Hartlepool and England has widened from 2000 to 2014. Within Hartlepool the median house prices have a range of £145,500 across the wards, from Victoria’s £57,000 to Rural West’s £202,500. Two wards, Victoria and Manor House, have upper quartile prices below £100,000.

House prices in hartlepool by ward


Hartlepool median house prices 2013 14


The level of affordability of housing in Hartlepool is the second best in the north east, with an income to house price ratio of 3.9, compared with the regional average of 4.6. That means that housing prices are 3.9 times larger than annual salaries, compared with 4.6 times larger for the north east.

Relative affordability of lower quartile prices by district


Overcrowded housing is most prevalent in the Manor House and Headland & Harbour wards, where 7.1% of housing is overcrowded. For both Hart and Rural West this is less than 2%.

Overcrowded households


The 2014 Household Survey reviewed the extent to which households were satisfied with the state of repair of their dwellings. Overall 79.6% of respondents expressed satisfaction (43.1% were very satisfied and 36.5% were satisfied); 11.0% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied; a total of 9.4% expressed degrees of dissatisfaction, of whom 6.8% were dissatisfied and 2.6% were very dissatisfied.

Dissatisfaction with state of repair by sub area property tenure age and type


Within Hartlepool the greatest level of dissatisfaction was in Burn Valley where 1 in 5 were dissatisfied with the state of repair of their dwelling.

Current and future








Housing Strategy

R&N – Economic Growth and Regeneration

Housing Strategy and Action Plan (including the Homelessness Strategy)

To produce a separate Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

March 2020



Registered Provider Liaison and Monitoring:

  • Local lettings
  • Nominations





Housing Partnership





Allocations Policy and waiting list management

New Tees Valley Lettings system

October 2019



Strategic Housing Market Assessment

Review the SHMA

Within 5 years



Housing Database and monitoring in relation to the Local Plan Monitoring Framework.








Housing Management

R&N – Economic Growth and Regeneration

Housing Market Regeneration


Develop and adopt a multi-agency Housing Regeneration Strategy


Oxford Road Regeneration Study to Regeneration Services Committee

By November 2020




October 2019



Housing Management of the Council’s Housing Stock:

  • Allocating
  • Letting
  • Rent collection
  • Arrears recovery
  • ASB
  • Repairs
  • Stock condition and planned Maintenance
  • Gas safety
  • Exchanges
  • Estate management
  • Housing Revenue Account management




Complete work to allow repairs reporting on-line.




March 2020



Development of Affordable Housing Stock:

  • New Build
  • Purchase & Repair of empty homes.
  • Housing Development on Council owned sites

Carry out the first development of affordable homes on a Council site.

March 2021



Empty Property Purchase Scheme (phase 3)

Acquire and refurbish an additional 8 empty homes.

March 2020



Social Lettings Agency (Quality Homes Lettings Agency)





Student Accommodation

Complete and occupy the student accommodation units at Avondene, Church Street

December 2019



Affordable Housing delivery through S106.








Private Sector Housing

R&N – Environment and Neighbourhoods

Housing Conditions






Insecure empty homes





Public health nuisances relating to housing





Enforcement of standards





Financial Assistance for owner-occupiers (Grants & Loans)





Houses in Multiple Occupation, e.g. bedsits, shared houses





Area Walkabouts





Unsightly dwellings





Energy Performance Certificates





Warm Up Hartlepool scheme

Continue to develop partnership working to attract funding to improve energy efficiency in homes

Ongoing until 2022



Fuel Poverty

Develop and link a fuel poverty strategy to the Council’s anti-poverty strategy

March 2020






Special Needs Housing

Adult and Community Based Services -Adult Social Care

Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) and Major Adaptations





Minor Adaptations and Handyman service





Rehousing Service for people with medical needs








Housing Advice

Childrens and Joint Commissioning Services – Prevention, Safeguarding and Specialist Services

Housing advice and homelessness prevention:

  • Homelessness relief
  • Duty to Refer
  • Rough Sleeper Assertive Outreach (pilot)

Rough Sleeper Count

Winter 2019



Private Rented Sector Tenancy Relations;

  • Landlord and tenant advice
  • Protection from Eviction
  • Mediation
  • Enforcement





Supported Housing

Coordination and Chair of Supported Housing Panels (Adults and Young people)





Selective Licensing

Evaluate the current Selective Licensing designation

July 2020



Good Tenants Scheme

Introduce an on-line service and tenant matching service

December 2020



VEMT (Vulnerable, Exploited, Missing or Trafficked children)





Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)





Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)





Safeguarding Boards (Child and Adults)