Starting Well - Adverse Childhood Experiences

U18 Conceptions

Whilst conceptions to those under 18 years old in Hartlepool have generally fallen from the 1999 peak of 81.2 per 1,000 population, to 34.9 per 1,000 population in 2016, the past two years have seen the rate jump back up to levels not seen since 2012.

Conceptions graph 1
Conceptions graph 2

The increase in 2015 from a rate of 28.9 per 1,000 to 35.9 per 1,000 saw Hartlepool jump up by 24.2%. This jump was not mirrored in either the England or north east rates, both of which continued a 9 year decline. In the north east only Middlesbrough has had an increase that in any way mirrors Hartlepool’s, though this has occurred a year later in 2016. The 2014 rate was the first time in three years that Hartlepool had achieved statistical similarity with both England and the north east, and only the second time in the 19 year reporting period, but as of 2016 Hartlepool is again statistically worse than both England and the north east rates.

Hartlepool has seen a recent decline in the percent of under 18 pregnancies which lead to an abortion, with current levels the lowest since 1998.

Conceptions graph 3


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In 2016 Hartlepool had the lowest percent of under 18 conceptions resulting in an abortion in the north east, at 32.8%. This follows a reduction of just over a quarter on Hartlepool’s 2014 rate. Over the same period, both England and the north east have increased their rates.

Hartlepool’s percent of teenage mothers has remained consistent, with 2% of births being to mothers under 18 for the last three reporting periods. This is however the joint highest rate in the north east, and statistically worse than the England average of 0.8%. Before 2014/15, when Hartlepool began its 2% rate, there had been a 3 year decline, falling from 3.1% in 2010/11 to 1.4% in 2013/14.

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Hartlepool had reached a level of statistical similarity with both England and the north east in 2012/13, and maintained it into 2013/14, before the rate of 2% took Hartlepool to a position of statistical inferiority with England.

Conceptions graph 7


Looking within Hartlepool, there are clearly areas in the north of the town where the concentration of births to mothers under 18 is at its most prevalent.

For pregnancies to those under 16 years old Hartlepool is at its lowest level in the 8 year reporting period.

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Hartlepool has recovered from an increase in 2014, up to 8.6 per 1,000 population, to be statistically similar to both England and the north east for under 16 conceptions in 2016. Hartlepool’s rate is 4.1 per 1,000, with the north east at 4.9 per 1,000 and England 3.0 per 1,000. Hartlepool’s two year decline in its rate has seen a fall of slightly over 50%.

Current Services

(Adhoc) delivery of sex and relationship education in secondary schools.

As part of the Teeswide Sexual Health Service the following Services are available:

  • Brook offer sex and relationship education to schools, post 16 providers include Further Education and Sixth Form Colleges.
  • C-Card training has been rolled out to a range of partners across Hartlepool with over 70 staff trained.
  • Young people friendly contraception and sexual health services including advice on termination of pregnancy.

The 0-19 and Early Help service provides additional support for teenage parents via a vulnerable parent’s pathway.

North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust have a dedicated specialist midwife for pregnant women under 19.

Future intentions

Support the roll out of Statutory Relationships and Sex Education.

Ensue that the prevention agenda is robustly monitored and evaluated as part of the Teesside Sexual Health Service’s Service Outcome Related Payment (SORP) mechanism.

Further work to ensure the increase in uptake of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive (LARC) Methods in young women. 

Development of a contraceptive pathway with Midwifery Services to prevent subsequent under 18 conceptions.