Make an application
We have adopted a policy statement on the licensing and regulation of sexual entertainment venues (SEV). It is strongly suggested that you read the policy before making an application.
To make an application, you must submit:
- a completed application form;
- a location plan;
- detailed plans of the premises (see policy 6.3) and
- the fee
Download Application Form Application Guidance Notes
As part of the application process, you are required to display a notice at the proposed site for 21 days from the date of the application is lodged with us, setting out the application details. This notice must be blue in colour and a minimum of A4 in size. The notice must be displayed in a prominent position for the entire 21 days and must be easily readable by passers by.
You are also required to place a public notice in the local newspaper (Hartlepool Mail) giving details of the application. The newspaper notice should appear in the publication within 7 days of the application being lodged.
Eligibility Criteria
A licence cannot be granted to:
- a person under 18;
- a person who has held a licence but has had it revoked within 12 months preceding the date of the application
- to a person, other than a body corporate, who is not resident in an EEA State or was not so resident throughout the period of six months immediately preceding the date when the application was made;
- to a body corporate which is not incorporated in an EEA State; or
- a person who has within the last 12 months preceding the date of the application been refused a licence in respect of the same premises.
Will tacit consent apply?
No. It is in the public interest that we must process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us within a reasonable period, please contact us on (01429) 523354 or
Should any representations be received regarding a licence application the matter shall be referred to the Council's Licensing Sub-Committee for consideration.
In determining the application, the licensing committee will have regard to the policy statement, the application itself and the representation(s) that have been made. In all cases, each application will be determined on its own merits.