Looking After Your Baby

Bath and Bedtime

Bath and bedtime can be a real bonding exercise for you and your new baby, below are some hints and tips to help make bathing and putting your baby to bed are relaxing and enjoyable for both baby and you.


Washing and bathing your baby

If you've never bathed a baby before it can seem really scary!  This guide produced by the NHS provides guidance for parents on bathing their newborn, also make sure you watch this video below for some useful tips on how to make it easier.




Safe sleep for babies

Your baby will need somewhere safe to sleep at night as during the day. This guide gives advice on how to get your baby to sleep.

Although it is scary to think about, it's important to be aware of sudden infant death syndrome or cot death to prevent it from happening.  Although it's not known why some babies die in this way, this guide provides tips for reducing the risk of cot death and Lullaby Trust have created a advice guide for safe sleeping.


Soothing a crying baby

A crying baby can make any parent feel stressed and worry what to do.  There is lots of advice out there to help to sooth your crying baby, also make sure you check out Cry-Sis for experienced advice for crying and sleepless babies.


How can you cope with the lack of sleep?

Of course, sleep is really important for your baby in order for them to develop and grow, it's equally important for you to can good quality sleep.  Many new parents find it hard to manage of less sleep than they are normally used to having, the below video gives you tips from parents on how to cope with lack of sleep.




Nappy Time

The least glamourous part of parenthood - Nappy changing!  If you've never changed a nappy before the thought of it can be really scary, This guidance from the NHS provides a good startpoint for nappy changing and make sure you check out the below video for hints and tips on how to change a dirty nappy!   It's also important to be aware of Nappy Rash, it doesn't have to be something to worry about, this guide will help you out!