One Year to 2 and a Half Years

2 – 2.5 year developmental review

At 2-2.5 years of age your health visiting service will offer your child a developmental review.  This review will focus on your child’s social, emotional, behavioural and language development using tools known as the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) 3 and Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional (ASQ:SE).


It will respond to any concerns about physical health, growth, development, hearing or vision and offer guidance to parents/carers on behaviour management and what to do if they become worried about their child.

It will offer information and guidance on promoting language development and will offer advice on nutrition and physical activity for the family and raise awareness of dental care, immunisations, accident prevention, sleep management, toilet training and sources of parenting advice and information and identify progress towards the Ready for School entitlement.

For more information on this review please click on the links below:


Ages and Stages Questionnaire

Ages and Stages Questionnaires Third Edition (ASQ-3)

Ages and Stages Questionnaires Social-Emotional (ASQ:SE)


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