Appealing against your Parking Fine (PCN)

You can appeal against your PCN (Penalty Charge Notice):

Please quote the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) number, the vehicle registration and your name and address in any correspondence.

To make an appeal you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1

The Local Authority will initially consider the mitigating circumstances of any appeal. This can be completed by the driver or registered keeper of the vehicle.

To start the appeals process send any evidence supporting your appeal to the address above. Each appeal will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you submit an appeal within 14 days of the Penalty Charge Notice being issued, even if your appeal is unsuccessful, you will be offered a further 14 days to pay the discounted amount.

Step 2

If your appeal is unsuccessful the Local Authority will issue a "Notice to Owner" advising the registed keeper that the PCN has been issued and offering a further opportunity for a representation to be submitted. The registered keeper may now choose to pay the PCN or submit a representation.

Step 3

If this representation is rejected the owner will receive a formal "Notice of Rejection" from the Local Authority. They will then have the opportunity to refer the case for consideration by an independent adjudicator. The adjudicator's decision is binding on both parties, this means that there is no further appeal after this.

For legal reasons, a case cannot be referred to the adjudicator until a formal "Notice of Rejection" has been issued by the Local Authority. The Notice will explain how to contact the independent adjudicator.

Appeal online here

Pay your parking fine