Report a Lost or Stray Dog
If you have lost your dog you can let us know by completing our online form:
Report a lost dog - selecting the option 'Animals'
Alternatively you can:
- post photos of lost dogs on our Facebook page. Don't forget to include a brief description of when and where it was lost.
- telephone Customer Services on: 01429 523333
- Email:
Visit our Microchipping page for information about chipping your dog.
To report found/stray dogs please complete our online form:
Found a stray dog - selecting the option 'Animals'
Alternatively you can:
- post a photo of a found dog on our Facebook page with a brief description of when and where it was found
- telephone Customer Services on 01429 523333
- Email:
Please do not take dogs to the Civic Centre or any other Council building, as this could pose a risk to other site users.
To reclaim your dog
Please contact Customer Services to arrange to reclaim your dog - 01429 523333.