Hartlepool Shared Lives
What support is available for Shared Lives Carers
Shared Lives Providers will be managed by a named Support Manager who will supervise and monitor the Carer and oversee any placements, throughout their time as a Hartlepool Shared Lives Carer. As a minimum Providers receive 4 contacts per year including an annual review, this is based on a risk management approach which is considered for each Carer.
A comprehensive training package is provided along with detailed Policies and Procedures.
Quarterly Provider Support Groups are available to all Hartlepool Shared Lives Carer. These are an ideal forum for Carers to share experiences and best practice.
An out of hours Emergency Duty Team is available to all Shared Lives Carers. All Carers are expected to be members of Shared Lives Plus, who are the UK support network for Shared Lives Schemes and their Carers.
What are Shared Lives Carers paid?
Shared Lives Carers are paid an allowance on a 4 weekly payment schedule.
This is not a salary, but it enables you to fully meet the needs of the person placed with you. The allowance is paid monthly and includes a contribution towards the cost of food and utility bills, such as gas and electricity. The amount depends on the rate of benefits received by the person placed.
For long term placements part of the allowance payment is made up of Housing Benefit/rent.