CCTV in Hartlepool

Hartlepool Borough Council has installed a Public Space CCTV camera surveillance system which covers vulnerable localities, and areas of Hartlepool Borough which are at risk of, or have historically experienced higher than average levels of crime and disorder.
The CCTV system has a number of CCTV cameras located around Hartlepool Town Centre and Night Time Economy areas, Hartlepool Shopping Parades, Public and Open Spaces, Council Buildings, Car Parks, Residential areas and Industrial Estates around Hartlepool.
The CCTV system is owned, managed and operated by Hartlepool Borough Council, and the CCTV Centre is staffed by Council employees.
The CCTV system is composed of fixed, overt, Standard and High Definition – Static, and Pan, Tilt, Zoom (PTZ) CCTV cameras.
The Council’s CCTV Centre monitors and controls the CCTV system 24 hours per day, every day of the year. Hartlepool Borough Council, Cleveland Police and other Statutory and Enforcement Agencies carrying out their statutory, and investigatory, regulatory, licensing, and enforcement duties, (including the administration of their personnel) have the ability to obtain footage from the CCTV system on a 24/7 basis.