Town Deal Board Members

Reshma Begum, Federation of Small Businesses

Townn  Deal

FSB is not-for-profit, non-party political and the largest business support organisation, representing small to medium enterprises and sole traders across the UK. Members receive an exclusive package of great value business support services, and crucially, a powerful voice in government both at local and national levels. FSB aims to enable smaller businesses to achieve their ambitions.

Reshma is the FSB Development Manager for the North East of England, working with volunteer members and staff teams, both locally and nationally, to deliver and manage FSB activity across the area to ensure local businesses are well supported and represented.

Reshma’s role includes policy and advocacy across the North East and Tees Valley on behalf of small businesses, working with local government, MPs, and other stakeholders to ensure decision-making and delivery is representative of the needs of SME’s. Additionally, she is the lead spokesperson for FSB in the region, managing all local media activity, as well as organising and delivering local events to build a strong small business network and community.