News archive
News published June 2020
Published 30th June 2020Notice of the electors’ rights in relation to the statement of accounts of Hartlepool Borough Council for the financial year ended 31 March 2020.
Food poverty initiative approved by councillors
Published 30th June 2020A major new initiative to tackle food poverty has been approved by councillors in Hartlepool.
Fresh appeal issued over rare little terns
Published 24th June 2020A fresh appeal has been issued for people to respect a breeding colony of rare little terns on a Hartlepool beach following several incidents of nests being disturbed.
Going the extra mile for those in need
Published 24th June 2020A popular North-East charity is helping Hartlepool Support Hub provide vital help to vulnerable residents during the Coronavirus crisis.
Tell us about your sport and physical activity needs
Published 22nd June 2020Residents of Hartlepool are being asked to help shape the future provision of sport and physical activity in the town by completing an online survey.
Beware this free school meals phishing scam
Published 19th June 2020Parents and carers in Hartlepool are being warned to watch out for a nationwide phishing email posing as an official communication relating to free school meals.
Community safety officials in hate crime reporting appeal
Published 16th June 2020Community safety officials in Hartlepool are urging anyone who witnesses or experiences hate crime to report it.
Waiting to register your child’s birth?
Published 15th June 2020Families in Hartlepool yet to register the birth of children due to the Coronavirus emergency are being asked to get in touch with the Council.
Buy local and let’s get Hartlepool back to business
Published 12th June 2020With many shops around the country allowed to reopen from Monday 15th June provided they are COVID-19 safe, people in Hartlepool are being urged to help the local economy recover by ‘buying local'.
Pedal power boosts production of PPE
Published 12th June 2020Fifteen staff from Hartlepool Borough Council Day Services and two service users have taken part in a sponsored exercise bike ride to raise money for protective face masks.