News archive
News published February 2020
Landlords required to make properties energy efficient
Published 27th February 2020Private landlords in Hartlepool are being reminded that they must comply with new energy efficiency regulations from April 1st or their properties will be classed as sub-standard.
Flying the flag for staff wellbeing
Published 27th February 2020Hartlepool Borough Council is pressing further ahead in a regional award scheme for employers committed to improving the health and wellbeing of their staff and creating healthy, happy workplaces.
Major pilgrimage route to be launched
Published 24th February 2020Plans have been announced for the launch of a unique pilgrimage trail celebrating a significant Saxon saint.
Environmentally-aware businesses invited to special event
Published 21st February 2020Businesses in Hartlepool are being invited to attend a free event to find out more about how they can reduce their plastic waste.
Elwick Road reconstruction works to begin
Published 21st February 2020Work will begin on Monday (February 24th) to reconstruct parts of Elwick Road, with a partial closure and traffic diversions in place.
The Rink was more than a dance hall
Published 19th February 2020Memories of much-loved Hartlepool leisure venue the Queens Rink are set to be rekindled in a special talk.
Join the Mayor for a great night out
Published 18th February 2020The Ceremonial Mayor of Hartlepool Councillor Brenda Loynes is inviting people to join her for a nostalgic night of songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s.
Family fun at Easter panto!
Published 14th February 2020A renowned North-East pantomime production company is bringing its spectacular show to Hartlepool this Easter, promising fun for the whole family.
New creative support network to meet for first time
Published 13th February 2020A new creative network which aims to provide support to artists, makers, performers and crafters is being launched in Hartlepool this month.
Tell us what it’s like being a young person in Hartlepool
Published 12th February 2020Young people in Hartlepool are being encouraged to have their say on what it’s like living in Hartlepool in a special survey which will help shape future health and wellbeing services in the borough.