News archive
News published May 2020
Help protect little terns, beach visitors urged
Published 29th May 2020Visitors to a Hartlepool beach are being urged to respect a colony of rare seabirds and avoid disturbing their nests.
New discretionary grant fund launched to help small businesses and charities
Published 29th May 2020A new Government-funded grant pot has been launched to help hard-pressed small businesses and charities in Hartlepool affected by the Coronavirus emergency.
Parking charges to be re-introduced at Seaton Carew
Published 28th May 2020Pay and display parking charges are to be re-introduced at Seaton Carew from tomorrow (Friday May 29th).
Providing a vital lifeline to our most vulnerable residents
Published 27th May 2020More details have emerged of just how big a difference is being made by the Hartlepool Support Hub.
CORONAVIRUS: Council issues fresh “stay away” appeal
Published 22nd May 2020Council officials in Hartlepool have issued a fresh appeal for visitors to stay away over the Bank Holiday weekend amid fears that COVID-19 cases in the town have yet to peak.
Don’t miss out on free home to school transport
Published 22nd May 2020Families in Hartlepool who are entitled to free home to school transport are being reminded to complete and return an important form to ensure that they remain entitled in the next school year.
Brown bin collections to resume
Published 21st May 2020Brown bin (household garden waste) collections will resume for Hartlepool residents from Tuesday 26 May.
CORONAVIRUS: Changes to on-street parking at The Front, Seaton Carew
Published 21st May 2020New measures are to be introduced at Seaton Carew to ensure that pedestrians can safely observe social distancing.
CORONAVIRUS: Please stay away and help prevent spread of COVID-19
Published 20th May 2020Visitors are again being asked to temporarily stay away from Hartlepool to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Residents urged to respect COVID-19 restrictions
Published 19th May 2020Council officials in Hartlepool are urging residents to respect restrictions introduced to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and to observe rules on public gatherings and social distancing.