News archive
News published March 2023
The PFC Trust marks Tall Ships partnership by handing grants to 22 Sail Trainees
Published 31st March 2023Hartlepool-based charity the PFC Trust is showing its support for Tall Ships 2023 as part of an agreement that will see the world class event leave a legacy to the town.
Trading Standards warn of new scam hitting town
Published 31st March 2023Hartlepool Borough Council's Trading Standards Manager has issued a warning to the public to be on their guard against a scam that has hit the town which could result in residents being asked to pay for expensive mobile phones they don’t have.
Council meetings for April
Published 29th March 2023The following Hartlepool Council meetings are scheduled for April. All meetings will take place at Hartlepool Civic Centre unless otherwise stated.
Rogue trader sentenced after Trading Standards investigation
Published 28th March 2023A landscape gardener has been handed a 9 months suspended jail term after he took large cash deposits for work but then failed to complete it.
X-energy to sponsor Tall Ships Races Hartlepool
Published 27th March 2023Hartlepool has been backed to be a “fantastic host” of The Tall Ships Races 2023 by a feature sponsor of the event with big intentions to play an key part in the local community for the long term.
Youth centre to be transformed after Council scoops £1.2m grant
Published 27th March 2023An exciting new chapter is opening for Hartlepool’s Rossmere Youth Centre after Hartlepool Borough Council won £1.27m of Government funding for it today.
Property Closure Order aims to stamp out drug dealing in Hartlepool
Published 24th March 2023Community safety officials in Hartlepool have successfully secured a Closure Order on a property in an attempt to tackle its use as a base for drug dealing, associated crime and anti-social behaviour
We’re hatching lots of Easter fun!
Published 24th March 2023There’ll once again be lots of fantastic activities for Hartlepool children and young people aged 4 to 16 to enjoy over the school Easter holidays – and most of them will be free!
Charter sets the seal on stronger partnership between Hartlepool’s Borough and Parish Councils
Published 23rd March 2023Hartlepool Borough Council and Hartlepool’s Parish Councils have taken an important step towards forging stronger links and working in closer partnership for the good of all.
Work begins on transformation of Hartlepool landmark
Published 23rd March 2023One of Hartlepool’s most iconic buildings is set to undergo a huge transformation with the start of work on the Wesley Chapel.