Complaints, Comments and Compliments
Hartlepool Borough Council aims to provide high quality services that meet the needs of local people. We want to make our services as efficient and effective as possible. To do this we need to know whether we're getting it right and how we can improve services for you.
- If you are not satisfied with a service, tell us why not and what we can do to improve things.
- If we are doing things really well, we'd like to hear about that too.
- And we'd be interested to hear any suggestions you have for making Hartlepool Borough Council services even better.
We promise to listen carefully to what you have to say and respond promptly to your comments and complaints. Any information you provide will be treated confidentially. We aim to deal with any complaints impartially, objectively and professionally. Making a complaint will not affect the treatment or services that you or your family receive.
We will make every effort to resolve a complaint to the customer's satisfaction but if we are not able to do this, the customer can ask the Local Government Ombudsman to investigate their case.
If you wish to submit a complaint, comment or compliment to the Council you can do this via the on-line form, or by calling the Council, on 01429 266522.
Key Documents for Making a Complaint or Comment |
Annual Corporate Complaints Monitoring Reports
Each year, we produce an annual Corporate Complaints Monitoring Report on the number of complaints received by the Council along with the final outcome of those complaints. This report also includes the complaints that have been considered by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. You can access the last three years of reports via the following links:
- Corporate Complaints Monitoring Report for 2023/24
- Corporate Complaints Monitoring Report for 2022/23
- Corporate Complaints Monitoring Report for 2021/22
There are some complaints that the Council receives that are considered outside of the corporate complaints policy. This includes those that are required to follow statutory complaints processes for social care and public health. Separate annual reports are prepared for these.
Social Care Complaints
Social Care Complaints are treated differently than Corporate Complaints, due to the sensitivity and often complex nature of the services involved.
Public Health Complaints,Compliments and Comments
This procedure sets out how we will deal with your complaints in line with the NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012 (the Regulations) which came into effect in April 2013. It also sets out how we will deal with your compliments and comments. Our aim is to resolve your complaint and if necessary put you back in the position you would have been in before having to make the complaint.
Public Health Complaints, Compliments and Comments Leaflet
Public Health Complaints, Compliments and Comments Procedure
Complaints about a School
Each school must have a procedure in place to deal with complaints. Complaints procedures may vary from school to school but these should be made available upon request. The Local Authority has no power to investigate a complaint about the internal management of a school. Further information on school complaints can be obtained from the Department for Education at
Complaints about Council owned social rented housing
This policy applies to:
- A person or persons who are or have been in a landlord/tenant relationship with the Hartlepool Borough Council Housing Management Service; or
- Someone who has applied for a property owned by the Hartlepool Borough Council Housing Management Service (other than statutory allocations and applications for assistance from people who are homeless or threatened).
Housing Management Service Complaints Policy
External Links
Hartlepool Borough Council is not responsible for the content of any external websites and does not endorse any product or organisation contained therein