Annual and Final Reports
Annual Reports
Following the change to the Councils governance arrangements in 2012, the requirement to produce an Annual Report was removed but copies of previous Scrutiny Annual Reports are available on request from the Scrutiny Support Team.
Progress Reports
The Audit and Governance Committee receives six-monthly updates of progress of actions resulting from Scrutiny Investigations relating to Health and Crime and Disorder issues. Responsibility for the monitoring of recommendations and actions resulting from scrutiny investigations is delegated to appropriate policy committees and partnership bodies (again on a 6 monthly basis). This monitoring process is managed by the Scrutiny Support Team.
Final and Call-In Reports
Details of the most recent investigations undertaken by scrutiny can be found below, with previous Final and Call-In Reports available on request from the Scrutiny Support Team.
Final Reports
Derelict land and Buildings in Hartlepool
Accessibility of Council Services in Hartlepool for those with Disabilities and Long Term Conditions
Child and Family Poverty in Hartlepool
Anti-Social Behaviour in Hartlepool
High Quality Maternity Services and Elective Surgery at the University Hospital of Hartlepool Site
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - Overview and Scrutiny Investigation
- Appendix A - Poverty (Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee)
- Appendix B - Transport (Transport Working Group)
- Appendix C - Older People (Adult and Community Services Scrutiny Forum)
- Appendix D - Emotional and Mental Wellbeing (Children's Services Scrutiny Forum)
- Appendix E - Environment (Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Forum)
- Appendix F - Employment (Regeneration and Planning Services Scrutiny Forum)
- Appendix G - Sexual Health (Health Scrutiny Forum)
Museum and Art Gallery Collection
Private Sector Housing Schemes
Early Intervention and Re-ablement
Cancer Awareness and Early Diagnosis
The Provision of Support and Services to Looked After Children/Young People
Young People's Access to Transport - Young People's Representatives
Social Return on Investment of Connexions Services to 19-25 Year Olds
Employment and Training Opportunities for Young People Aged 19-25
The Provision of Face to Face Financial Advice and Information Services in Hartlepool
Services available to Male Victims of Domestic Abuse
Call - In Reports
- Appointment of Local Authority Representatives to serve on School Governing Bodies (specifically the decision taken in relation to Seaton Carew Nursery School)
- Community Pool
- Counselling Service
- Delivery of Support to Members and to the Council, Executive, Non Executive and Scrutiny Functions
- Local Authority Childcare Settings - Oscars Out of School Service, Bushbabies Daycare and Chatham House Daycare