Useful documentation
Useful Documentation
The Overview and Scrutiny Team in Hartlepool have produced a number of guides detailed and downloadable below that you may find useful:-
Statutory Scrutiny: An Introductory Guide
A short leaflet that provides a basic introduction into how scrutiny operates and is structured in Hartlepool.
A useful guide for those members of the public and other stakeholders asked to appear as witnesses at Scrutiny meetings, to either answer questions or give written evidence to aid Members in forming their recommendations to the Authority's Cabinet or Council.
Quick Guide to Councillor Call for Action
Mainly aimed at Councillors, this guide explains the mechanism for the consideration of issues under the Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) legislation.
This guide explains how to make referrals to and from the Audit and Governance Committee.
For hard copies of any of the above documents please contact the Scrutiny Team.