Private Landlords and Tenants
Help for Tenants Renting
Advice, information and help if you need it, if you are a tenant renting from a private landlord or other housing provider.
Most of the time renting offers a good, affordable and flexible housing option and provides a good alternative to owning your own home. Sometimes things can go wrong and disputes can arise between landlords and tenants. When this happens the council can try to help. We can offer help and guidance and sometimes speak to your landlord and try and find a solution.
If you would like some advice, please contact us and we will try to help.
You can contact us by the following methods;
- By email:
- By filling in an eform
- Or by calling: 01429 806905 during office hours
If you are homeless or at risk of being homeless or your landlord has asked you to leave:
- Please call: 01429 266522
- Or email:
Housing Repairs
If you need to report that your landlord is not carrying repairs after you have asked them to or if you think that your rented property is unsafe. Please contact the Private Sector Housing Team by:
- Emailing:
- Or by calling: 01429 266522
Useful information for private renting
The following information is really useful if you are thinking about renting or if you are already renting. Please select a link below:
How to rent Guide:
Landlord and Tenant rights and responsibilities:
Renting privately:
Private Renting: